Thursday, June 19, 2014

1 Month: Love

So sweet girl, you've been here with us for a whole month now! Although you are no longer in my womb, but are in my arms instead, I still feel like writing to you. So, guess what? I will.

Your first month has been a busy one for us. So much has happened. . .I'm not quite sure how or if I should put it all in words. But here is what I am sure of: there is one thing that prevails each and every day, and that is love. So much love, and Mommy is grateful. God has poured His love out on our family in ways that Mommy didn't see coming. I see it in your Daddy and your siblings, in your grandparents, aunts & uncles, our cousins, in friends, even in people I don't really know. . .Love. So, you are blessed to be in the middle of it all.

. . .God is love. -1 John 4:8
A quilt made just for you by a lady we hardly know...
An act of love.