Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Fruit of the Womb

Baby girl,

Do you remember how I told you before that Mommy has to work on not caring so much about what other people say (when they are trying to be mean or rude)? So often, Mommy and Daddy are questioned, criticized, looked down upon, teased, misunderstood, stared at--all because you have 5 siblings. This comes from complete strangers, and even some of our family and friends. And, many of them are Christians.

Why does that matter--being a Christian?

Well,  sweet girl, it matters because of what God says about children. And, as God's children, we are to align our thinking with His.

In Bible study today, God just reassured Mommy and opened my eyes anew to a passage of Scripture that has been pretty familiar to me. I was reading Psalm 127:3-5 and I decided to read it from The Message translation and this is what is says:

Don’t you see that children are God’s best gift?
the fruit of the womb His generous legacy?
Like a warrior’s fistful of arrows
are the children of a vigorous youth.
Oh, how blessed are you parents,
with your quivers full of children!
Your enemies don’t stand a chance against you;
you’ll sweep them right off your doorstep.
-Psalm 127:3-5
Prayerfully, you will come to learn that the Word of the Lord is a balm to the soul. And little one, this was so refreshing and so soothing to me on so many levels. I keep reading it again and again. I said to Daddy, "Babe, look at this translation!" The part that stuck out to him was the end, about enemies. Why? Because a family that is rooted in God's Word, that understands that children are such a great blessing, will be able to stand strong together.
So, when people question us, when they stare, when they start counting how many kids call one person, "Mommy", when they tell me that I should not have had you all, when they're shocked that Daddy has fun with you guys, when they call me crazy or shake their heads in disgust, when they say that they feel sorry for me, when they don't understand, we will stand firm as a family, knowing that God's Word is true and it cannot lie.
You and your siblings are God's best gift to Daddy and me. I pray sweetheart, that moms and dads view their children as God's best gifts, His generous legacy, a blessing--not a burden, no matter how many children they have.
You are wanted and you are loved.

Your sisters and brothers. . .we're waiting for you!


  1. Stacie this was so encouraging. I didn't do today's lesson so your words really got to me. I have been thinking a lot about our girls and the wonderful gift they are to us. I struggled (still do sometimes) with feel ok n th guilty for loving them and being the mom I am to them. I know this isn't God. I just wanted you to know to know that your letters are encouraging to this mom of 2.

    1. Latonya,
      I'm so glad God used me to speak to you. Continue to love on your girls and teach them as you are doing. Your love is a blessing to them and it is what God would want you to do. He have to mimic Him, and oh, how He loves us as His children!! Your girls are blessed to have you as their mommy, Latonya.

  2. I can definitely relate! I have 5 siblings and though almost all of us are teens or above we still get that question! :)

    1. Julia,

      Now, isn't that something? Growing up, it was just me and my brother, so, I just didn't realize the negativity there is towards large families.

  3. Such a beautiful post! We have 2 that are 12 months apart and OH THE COMMENTS. Many of them are extremely hurtful, esp when they find out we would gladly welcome more babies. I will be referring back to this for encouragement on the days people get me down. Thank you.

    1. Aww, thank you so much.
      I can relate to you, too. My 4th child and my 5th are 15 months apart. And my 5th child and my 6th will be 14 months apart, Lord willing. I have visited your blog and your writing is an encouragement to me, also. Hang in there and trust in God. Your babes are beautiful blessings.
