Thursday, January 2, 2014


Your Daddy is lying next to me, snoring away. That sound is one you may come to know as comfort; that’s the way your sisters and I feel. Or, maybe that sound is one you’ll think is just plain funny and amusing; that’s the way your brothers feel. Maybe you hear Daddy snoring now.

Your sisters are sleeping, your brothers are sleeping, even your 2 little dogs are sleeping.

But I am awake, and girl baby, you are making me hungry! So I’m munching on some pineapple chunks while searching the meanings of the names we’re thinking of giving you.

So many people have their opinions of what we should call you: some think the names we’re considering are outrageous; others think their own name should be included in some way; some are offended that some one else’s name may be. . .drama, sweet girl!

Here’s the deal, honey: no matter what name you are called, know that the most important name you can ever bear is “Child of the King.” That is by far the best way to be known–as one of His own.
Good night, sweetheart. Mama should try to get some rest.