Monday, January 13, 2014

21 Weeks

Time is slowly ticking by little one, and Mommy is right around the half-way mark before we get to see you!

We were pretty busy last week, and Mommy is looking forward to a change in pace. Daddy took the family to Ikea on Saturday--we were looking for some new pantry shelves. Daddy and I both agree that Ikea just isn't the store for us! LOL We don't get it and then we just end up confused and exhausted. . . maybe we'll try again another time.

Daddy said to me a couple days ago, "Lu, your stomach's getting bigger," with a certain nod of his head. Just his way of confirming what Mommy already knows: he's right; you're growing!! You let me know you're there more and more each day. Feels like lots of tumbling and rolling. I'm always thankful to feel you. Early one morning, you were just kicking and kicking, so Daddy put his hand on my tummy to see if he could feel you, too, but it's too soon.

One of your sisters keeps telling me that she can't wait until you get here. I told her she'll just have to wait because you've got more growing to do. She understands, but you have to know she's thrilled because you will be her first little sister.

You know, there will be 11 years between you and one sister, and 9 years between you and the other sister. And, guess what? Mommy didn't save all of those pretty little outfits they used to wear when they were babies. I only saved a couple of things to give to them when they grow up and become wives and mothers. In other words, darling, you and I have some shopping to do!

I think of you each day and you are in my prayers. . . love you.