Wednesday, January 29, 2014

23 Weeks

Hey, Sugar!

Guess what? I was digging around in my yarn stash--looking for scraps for your oldest brother's art project--and guess what I found?

A baby sweater I'd crocheted about 5 or 6 years ago! Along with that, I also found some crocheted squares that I intended to sew together to make a baby blanket! You may be wondering, "What's the big deal about that, Mommy?" Well, they are for a baby girl!!!!! 

Lavender sweater. . .just needs a cute button.
A few of the squares for the blanket.
My intent was to sell these items in an Etsy shop I had back then. Anyway, I never sold them (or anything for that matter!) so I just kept them. As time went on, I tried to think of friends and family that I could give these pieces to, but every one I knew was having baby boys. . .including me, sweet girl. Mommy had three baby boys in a row!

I hope you like them because now they belong to you! Actually, they always belonged to you. See sweetheart, we can always see God's hand in our lives if we just take the time to look close enough. I had no idea you were coming when I made these, but God did!

I love you sweet baby.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Heavy Heart

Hey Little One,

Mama's heart is heavy right now. You see, your great-great uncle passed away on Monday, and that makes me sad. My only hope is in Jesus, baby girl, because that where your great-great uncle is right this moment. . .with Jesus.

Even though Mommy is sad, I have to tell you, he was so much fun!!! Every time I talked to him, or saw him, or even heard from him, he always did or said something that was just flat out hilarious. He always had a smile on his face, and that was his gift from God. Over and over in my mind, I can hear his laugh, see his face when he laughed, and it ends up making me smile.

It's been a long week of emotions and I'm praying for relief. I know that your great-great uncle would have welcomed you and prayed for you, just as he did for me, Daddy, your sisters and brothers. And, I'm sure he would have made you smile. I have stories for you, sweet girl, lots of stories to tell you about him one day.

Monday, January 20, 2014

22 Weeks

Another week in my tummy, girl baby, and I'm grateful.

Today, we honor a hero of sorts, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., for the things he did to help make little girls like you free. But, he was a man, flesh and blood like you and me, not something to be idolized, imperfect, not without fault.

However, what is special is that he walked in the calling God gave him: to live his life helping others. And he did that greatly, so greatly, that he helped change our entire country.

And when I think about it, that is, at its core, the calling we all have as God's children, sweetheart--to live our lives in service to others, just as Christ did. And when we know God, and know Him deep and well, we can do great things.

I pray that you, along with all your sisters and brothers, live a life before our Father, God, that is holy, pleasing, and acceptable to Him. I pray that you are the girls and boys, men and women, that He has called you to be. And that along your way, it can be said that you live a life dedicated to God, while helping others.

I love you, little one.

Friday, January 17, 2014

You Made Daddy's Day

Guess what, little one???
Daddy felt you moving around this morning!
He put his hand on my belly; I was lying on my side.
And baby girl, you were going to town.
I said, "She's showing out for you, Daddy."
Daddy would pat my tummy each time he felt you move, saying that he felt you here or there.
I'm sure he felt something like this. . .
You are my sunshine...

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Your Name

We figured out your name. . .well, your first name at least. Your middle name will most likely be your grandma's first name. . . . altogether, your name means strength, warrior, hard worker, diligent. Although you are a little lady, there will be times in your precious life when those traits must abound. . .

Anyway sweet girl, your first initial is K and now we call you by name, in our conversations, in our prayers, in our thoughts. . .you have a name.

Even though we can't see you, even though we haven't held you, you have a name and you are loved. I am reminded of this verse when God is speaking to the people of Israel. . .
Fear not, for I have redeemed you;I have called you by name, you are mine.Because you are precious in my eyes,and honored, and I love you,  Isaiah 43
Mommy loves you, but God loves you more.

Monday, January 13, 2014

21 Weeks

Time is slowly ticking by little one, and Mommy is right around the half-way mark before we get to see you!

We were pretty busy last week, and Mommy is looking forward to a change in pace. Daddy took the family to Ikea on Saturday--we were looking for some new pantry shelves. Daddy and I both agree that Ikea just isn't the store for us! LOL We don't get it and then we just end up confused and exhausted. . . maybe we'll try again another time.

Daddy said to me a couple days ago, "Lu, your stomach's getting bigger," with a certain nod of his head. Just his way of confirming what Mommy already knows: he's right; you're growing!! You let me know you're there more and more each day. Feels like lots of tumbling and rolling. I'm always thankful to feel you. Early one morning, you were just kicking and kicking, so Daddy put his hand on my tummy to see if he could feel you, too, but it's too soon.

One of your sisters keeps telling me that she can't wait until you get here. I told her she'll just have to wait because you've got more growing to do. She understands, but you have to know she's thrilled because you will be her first little sister.

You know, there will be 11 years between you and one sister, and 9 years between you and the other sister. And, guess what? Mommy didn't save all of those pretty little outfits they used to wear when they were babies. I only saved a couple of things to give to them when they grow up and become wives and mothers. In other words, darling, you and I have some shopping to do!

I think of you each day and you are in my prayers. . . love you.

Monday, January 6, 2014

20 Weeks

We went to the doctor today so I could check on you. Your heart is beating nice and strong and is music to my ears. I took one of your brothers with us. Let me tell you, he just smiled and showed his 3 little teeth to all the nurses and the doctor. (What a flirt!) He’s only 9 1/2 months right now and has no idea that he’s already a big brother. He’s wonderful and you’ll be glad to meet him.

You are just rolling and tumbling and bumping around these days and I love it. It is such a blessing and a miracle to hold life inside!

Earlier in the pregnancy, I felt a bit discouraged because of the rude comments we sometimes receive because our family is on the larger side. (Mama has to work on not being so concerned with what people say!) Any way, look at this beautiful passage of Scripture God showed me: 

“They shall build houses and inhabit them;

They shall plant vineyards and eat their fruit.

They shall not build and another inhabit;

They shall not plant and another eat;

For as the days of a tree, so shall be the days of My people,

And My elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands.

They shall not labor in vain,

Nor bring forth children for trouble;

For they shall be the descendants of the blessed of the Lord,

And their offspring with them.”

-Isaiah 65:21-23

Sweet baby girl, that gave me so much comfort! Our God is just sweet like that. You are not trouble to your Daddy and me, but a gracious gift from God.

I love you. Good night.

Thursday, January 2, 2014


Your Daddy is lying next to me, snoring away. That sound is one you may come to know as comfort; that’s the way your sisters and I feel. Or, maybe that sound is one you’ll think is just plain funny and amusing; that’s the way your brothers feel. Maybe you hear Daddy snoring now.

Your sisters are sleeping, your brothers are sleeping, even your 2 little dogs are sleeping.

But I am awake, and girl baby, you are making me hungry! So I’m munching on some pineapple chunks while searching the meanings of the names we’re thinking of giving you.

So many people have their opinions of what we should call you: some think the names we’re considering are outrageous; others think their own name should be included in some way; some are offended that some one else’s name may be. . .drama, sweet girl!

Here’s the deal, honey: no matter what name you are called, know that the most important name you can ever bear is “Child of the King.” That is by far the best way to be known–as one of His own.
Good night, sweetheart. Mama should try to get some rest.